Today, as always, was another great day in Nicaragua. I woke up to eggs, beans, rice, and a toasted roll. Went to church to have a VBS. And spent the afternoon just relaxing.
I got to talk to my mom and dad today. I hadn't spoken with them in a few days so I was really excited to hear their voices. What excited me even more was that I had a Skype conversation with my dad during the Alva church service! He got my picture up on the big screen, my voice through the PA speakers, and he was talking into a mic to me. This was completely new for both of us and I can honestly say I'm very excited to try it out again! If you're reading this and have any questions you'd like to ask on the next Skype during church let the pastor know:D
Side note: As soon as I finished typing that paragraph I saw what appeared to be a small bat fly into my room through the crack between the wall and the ceiling. I almost FLIPPED. Luckily I kept my composure and waited for it to settle down and saw it was just a rather large moth. It had to have a 6" wing span. I caught the booger in a walmart bag and showed Josue who then let it go..back in my room. We caught it again and it's safe outside again.
That brings me to my next conversation topic. After church tonight we rode our bixis back to the hostel where Josue and I gathered my belongings from my room and stacked them in a corner in the living room area. The hostel offered me one last meal before I left and I gladly accepted it. The hotel owner sat down to eat with me and told me I was his good friend. That made my day! For me, knowing that I'm more than just a business client, that makes me feel special. I'm so glad I have had the opportunity to meet those great folks at Hostal Jersulen.
Back to my moving arrangements. I finished up supper then Josue and I loaded my things into a bixi and I sat on top of it. I said bye to everyone, got hugs and kisses(on the cheek!), and we were off! I pulled up to the house about 7 or 8 and I yelled to the cabby, "Yo, holmes, smell ya later!" Wait... I'm not Will Smith. Nevermind. When I got to Josue's house I yelled out "HOLA FAMILIA!" I was welcomed in and shown to my room. I have a bed, fan, light(which is great!) and a dresser. No internet, so I'll type blogs at night and post them during the daytime.
We sat down and watched some DVD's of christian groups performing live. I can tell these are prized possesions as they have the DVD player hidden away so nobody can find it. They are very hospitable here. They ask if I need anything all the time and try to make me as comfortable as possible. Talk about southern comfort! They all ate their meal in the living room/dining room, but I wasn't hungry as I had just eaten.
Josue told me he needed to take his Aunt to the pharmacy because her son was sick and asked if I'd like to go. I told him I'd be more than happy to go so we all got on a bike and were off. Nagarote at night is something else! It's so alive! I figured after my light went off everyone else's did too. Not the case. There were plenty of people out and about doing as they pleased. Josue asked if I rode my bike around town at night or if it was safe to. I told him "More or less" which is a new phrase they've learned. I told him America isn't much like Nicaragua and he would just need to come visit to find out what it's like.
I already like the living arrangements here and I hope I don't overstay my welcome. I'm going to buy groceries one day soon if not tomorrow so I'm not just bumming food off of the already large family. All in all, I think that I'll learn a lot from living with Josue and his family and they'll learn a lot from me.
Alright, tomorrows plans. I'm waking up at 7(or maybe earlier) eating breakfast and then I'm off to lay tile! I've been watching some people lay tile at the hotel and it's much MUCH different than how I'm used to in America. Let's all hope I adjust easily OR I find the right trowel for the job. Bruce Sabin, who came with us the very first trip we took, came down on Saturday to stay for 2 weeks and teach seminars to train the pastors so he'll be teaching them while I'm doing the tile work.
Now, I'm going for a personal best here and trying to lay 772 sq. ft. of tile in 3 a foreign country. Will it happen? Lord, I hope so. Pray, pray, pray for me and the men helping me, well need it.
That's all for tonight. I'm off to bed! Have a great one!
Thanks for reading/praying,
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