Friday, June 24, 2011


Good day everyone!

It's ONE DAY before I venture off to Nicaragua for 3 whole weeks. As you can imagine I'm bursting at the seams to get to Miami, wait 3 hours there, board my flight, take a nap, then land in my home away from home.

This will be my blog for my whole trip. I'll update it as much as possible but keep in mind I'll be in a different country doing missions work. Internet and time are sometimes scarse. You are all welcome to post your comments to any blog I post and I'd be more than happy to write back. Maybe that'll help a little with the homesick-ness.

Anywho, I'll be posting more interesting and detailed blogs later, I was just interested in getting one up to test the waters. 

My cornerstone for this trip: Matthew 28: 18-20  a.k.a "The Great Commission"

Thanks for reading/praying,



  1. That's awesome! Will be praying for you as you go and do a work for the Lord. Have fun :)

  2. Thanks man! I'm glad I have some support:D God bless.
